Wednesday, November 24, 2010

As the person who is fortunate enough to be head of the Y of Central Maryland, I spend a lot of time talking to people about the impact we have on communities across this great region. On the one hand, it’s an easy task, because the scope, scale and impact of what we do are so extraordinary. However, on the other hand, it’s that very scope, scale and impact that makes the telling of the story so challenging. Many wonderful organizations do one thing, and they do it to great effect, and in many ways that makes it easier to convey their story to others. At the Y, we have so many stories to tell.

So, what’s my favorite Y story to tell? Well, depending on the person I’m talking to, it might be a story about how our afterschool programs enrich kids’ minds and allow parents to know that their children are safe after the school day is over! Or, it could be about helping to keep seniors healthy and active in their retirement! Or, it could be about using chess to teach at-risk kids to use their minds and problem-solving skills to make a better life! Or, I could tell you a story about hardworking parents who rely on us to provide programs and facilities that allow them to build bonds with their children that last a lifetime! Or, the story could be about helping three year old kids get ready to be successful in school!...or, or, or…well, you get the picture.

It’s those stories that drive me to continuously expand our reach and to grow our footprint. Wherever I go, I see communities that need what we do; I see families that need more positive community assets (rather than shopping centers and video games) in their kids’ lives. I see pre-schoolers who need quality early childhood development opportunities to ensure that they are ready to learn when they get into kindergarten. I see the frightening and growing public health crisis of obesity and inactivity that is shortening lives, increasing the strain on our health care system, and lowering the quality of people’s lives. I know that the Y can do a great job in meeting these needs, and I know that being everywhere in Central Maryland all at once isn’t possible. But, that doesn’t make me feel better. In fact, it makes me even more restless.

Over the past four years, we’ve increased our capacity to serve families, youth and seniors by over 50%, whether you measure that by the number of memberships, the number of people we serve, or by any number of other measures. We’re working feverishly on both building new programs and on improving current programs, because there is no time to waste. That’s why we open new sites like our Parkville Family Center Y while we also keep pushing hard on all the complexities of redeveloping our existing Catonsville and Towson Family Center Ys.

People ask me all the time how we can juggle everything we’re doing, and I tell them it’s because he have to; because we are compelled to. That’s the special obligation the Y has in a community. We cannot be a “niche” organization. We need to make big and systemic impact at multiple levels - in individuals’ lives; in families’ lives; in the quality of life in neighborhoods. We work in the critical areas of fostering youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. That’s not a narrow mandate, but we aren’t a narrow organization. We have broad shoulders and we plan on continuing to grow for a very simple reason – because you need us to. And, we cannot do it without the community walking along side us all the way.

On this Thanksgiving holiday, I am thankful for my family, my health, the Y’s wonderful volunteers and staff, and for having the opportunity to serve this community through an organization as important as the Y.

Yours in Community,

Posted by John K. Hoey, President & CEO, Y of Central Maryland

Monday, October 11, 2010

Running Shoes 101

By now most of you know I am a competitive triathlete, therefore I run, slower than I would like right now, but nonetheless I run. This past weekend I realized I had reached the mileage limit for my current shoes and needed to replace them. You can probably get away with holding onto dress shoes a while, but clinging to an old pair of athletic shoes too long can cost you plenty.

I’d like to share with you an article I read by Jeff Waddle, a freelance writer, “Running Shoes 101.” I couldn’t have said it better myself!

Running Shoes 101
Jeff Waddle, March 25, 2010

The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine reports that if runners don’t replace their shoes every 350-500 miles, they face a potential litany of injuries including stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, shin splints and heel spurs. Exactly how long shoes will continue to provide the needed level of protection depends on individual size and weight. I replace mine about 3 times a year. Average runners pound their shoes on the ground around 700 times per mile so it doesn’t require an active imagination to see how shoes lose their shock absorption rather quickly. And, once that occurs, it can change your stride and alignment, meaning pain and possible injury are just down the road. So, whether you’re a marathon-worthy runner or you just like to take a spirited walk or light jog around the neighborhood, here’s what to keep in mind when you shop for new shoes.

Anatomy of a Running Shoe

In a recent article I read by Jeff Waddle he points out the heart of running shoes is EVA, a polyurethane material that makes up the mid-sole, The part of the shoe between the hard outer sole and the insole, the mid-sole delivers the protective spring and cushioning that keeps you running smoothly. It’s also the first part of the shoe to wear out as its ability to rebound diminishes with miles logged. The article explains that it’s the technical mid-sole or EVA upgrades to shoes that separate a manufacturer’s introductory model found at many big box chain stores and the higher-end shoes sold by running specialty stores. Each brand has its specific technology and strategic placement of cushioning (like heel and forefoot gel pads), adding that plusher insoles with additional cushioning are a distinguishing characteristic of upper echelon running shoes as well.

Securing the Fit

To find the right shoe for you, most retailers urge runners to take their old shoes with them to the store. Specialty retailers with knowledgeable sales associates will want to analyze your old shoes for clues to how you run. There is an ideal wear pattern they like to see that’s central as possible part in the shoe’s forefront with wear on the outside of the heel which is part of natural outward/inward roll as you run, certain wear patterns that aren’t ideal, they can suggest a specific type of shoe to help correct it. One common condition seen is excessive rolling or over pronation, a potentially serious problem which frequently plagues runners (or walkers even) with flat feet. Pronation is the natural inward rolling of the foot as it strikes the ground and when it’s too pronounced, it can lead to painful plantar fasciitis or long-term joint issues in knees or ankles. For over pronation patterns, one might suggest a shoe that adds stability and more rigid materials to the medial or inside to help control the motion.

When they measure feet for length and width, they look at arches because that also can dictate style and fit. Some brands and models offer more arch support than others, on may consider an after-market insert that provide additional support. Thickness of sports socks also can affect fit, so bring the socks you normally run in with you shopping. Synthetic fibers that wick moisture are recommended to avoid blisters.

Once you find a shoe you like, the AAPSM suggests spending at least 10 minutes in them, walking about the store and even running a block or two outside—most good stores don’t mind. And, once you make your purchase, resist the temptation to run a marathon in them to avoid blisters and other race-day disasters. Break them in with a few short runs first to make sure they’re going to work for you.

Price Can Matter

Generally, specialty running shoe stores stock shoes in the $80-150 range, and a pair that will work well for most runners can be found somewhere in the middle. Price levels generally are a good indicator of quality in running shoes, and most runners should be able to get a good shoe at the $100 level.

Posted by Troy Weaver, Senior Vice President, Y Family Centers and Member Experience, Y of Central Maryland.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What Makes Life Worthwhile?

Shortly before his untimely death in 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy discussed the way we measure quality of life in this Country:

“We seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross domestic product…if we should judge America by that—counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and jails for the people who break them. It counts the destruction of our redwoods and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and the cost of a nuclear warhead, and armored cars for police who fight riots in our streets. It counts Whitman’s rifle and Speck’s knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children. Yet the gross domestic product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither wit nor courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.”

While Kennedy’s perspective is more than 4 decades old, some would argue that as a Country we are still challenged by the issues for which he called attention.

What makes life worthwhile for you? If your answer includes things like family, friends, good health, connection to your community, values and education, consider your time at the Y of Central Maryland to be an investment in not only your quality of life—but the quality of life of your community as well!

Posted by Bob Brosmer, Chief Operating Officer, Y of Central Maryland.